Advanced sentiment analysis to enhance your chatbot capabilities using Python

Hands on AI
6 min readApr 12, 2023



Sentiment analysis, often known as opinion mining, is a natural language processing (NLP) technique that determines the emotional tone behind a body of text. This is a popular method for businesses to determine and categorize customer opinions about a product, service, or idea.

Here is a tutorial on how to perform sentiment analysis in a Python chatbot:

Step 1: Set up your environment

First, you’ll need to set up your Python environment with the necessary libraries. We’ll be using the TextBlob library for sentiment analysis and the Flask web framework to build the chatbot.

You can install these libraries using pip:

pip install textblob flask

Step 2: Set up the chatbot

Next, we’ll create a simple Flask app that will serve as our chatbot. We’ll create a form where the user can enter their message and submit it to the chatbot. The chatbot will then respond with the predicted sentiment of the message.

Here’s the code for our Flask app:

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from textblob import TextBlob

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
return 'Hello, welcome to the chatbot!'

@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
text = request.form['text']
blob = TextBlob(text)
sentiment = blob.sentiment.polarity
if sentiment > 0.5:
response = 'Positive'
elif sentiment < -0.5:
response = 'Negative'
response = 'Neutral'
return jsonify({'response': response})

In this code, we define two routes: one for the home page (/) and one for the predict endpoint (/predict). The predict endpoint takes the user's message as input, performs sentiment analysis using TextBlob, and returns the predicted sentiment as a JSON response.

Step 3: Test the chatbot

To test the chatbot, we’ll run the Flask app and open it in a web browser. The user can enter their message and the chatbot will respond with the predicted sentiment.

Here’s an example conversation:

User: I'm feeling great today!
Chatbot: Positive

User: I'm really sad about what happened yesterday.
Chatbot: Negative

User: I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Chatbot: Neutral

Improvements I — Adding Grace

  1. Handle incorrect input gracefully: Our chatbot currently assumes that the input from the user will be a string that can be analyzed for sentiment. However, the user may input a non-string value, which would cause our code to fail. To handle this gracefully, we can add error handling to our code to catch invalid inputs and provide a helpful error message to the user.
  2. Improve accuracy: The accuracy of our sentiment analysis model depends on the quality and quantity of the training data. To improve the accuracy of our chatbot, we can fine-tune the sentiment analysis model on a dataset of customer messages to improve its ability to detect the emotional tone of these messages. We can also experiment with different models and algorithms to find the one that performs best for our specific use case.
  3. Integrate with a database: To provide a more personalized experience for customers, we can integrate our chatbot with a database that stores information about each customer’s previous interactions with the support team. This will allow our chatbot to provide tailored responses based on the customer’s previous history and preferences.

Here’s an example code for handling incorrect input:

@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
text = request.form['text']
blob = TextBlob(text)
sentiment = blob.sentiment.polarity
if sentiment > 0.5:
response = 'Positive'
elif sentiment < -0.5:
response = 'Negative'
response = 'Neutral'
response = 'Error: Please provide a valid input'
return jsonify({'response': response})

With these improvements, our sentiment analysis chatbot will be more robust and accurate, and provide a more personalized experience for customers.

Improvements I I— Using Spacy

  1. Use a more advanced NLP library: TextBlob is a simple library that performs basic natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as sentiment analysis. However, for more complex use cases, we may want to use a more advanced NLP library such as spaCy or NLTK. These libraries provide more advanced features such as named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing.
  2. Add context awareness: Sentiment analysis can be improved by taking into account the context in which the message was written. For example, a message that contains sarcasm or irony may be interpreted as positive by our current sentiment analysis model. To improve our chatbot’s accuracy, we can incorporate context awareness into our sentiment analysis model. One way to do this is by using a pre-trained language model such as BERT, which is capable of understanding context and nuances in language.
  3. Provide additional resources: Our chatbot can be improved by providing additional resources to the user. For example, we can provide links to relevant articles or documentation to help the user better understand their issue. We can also provide pre-written responses to common issues or questions, which can help the user quickly find the information they need.

Here’s an example code for using spaCy to perform sentiment analysis:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
text = request.form['text']
doc = nlp(text)
sentiment = doc.sentiment
if sentiment > 0.5:
response = 'Positive'
elif sentiment < -0.5:
response = 'Negative'
response = 'Neutral'
response = 'Error: Please provide a valid input'
return jsonify({'response': response})

With these improvements, our sentiment analysis chatbot will be even more accurate and helpful to users.

Improvements III — Providing Feedback

  1. Provide more detailed feedback: Instead of just providing a positive, negative, or neutral response, we can provide more detailed feedback to the user about why their message was classified as positive, negative, or neutral. For example, we can highlight specific keywords or phrases in the message that influenced the sentiment classification.
  2. Incorporate machine learning: We can improve the accuracy of our sentiment analysis model by incorporating machine learning. By training our model on a larger and more diverse dataset, we can teach it to recognize more nuanced language patterns and improve its accuracy. We can also experiment with different machine learning algorithms and techniques to find the one that performs best for our specific use case.
  3. Integrate with other tools: Our sentiment analysis chatbot can be improved by integrating with other tools and platforms. For example, we can integrate our chatbot with a CRM system to keep track of customer interactions and sentiment over time. We can also integrate with social media platforms to analyze customer sentiment on a larger scale and identify trends or issues that are affecting our customers.

Here’s an example code for providing more detailed feedback to the user:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
text = request.form['text']
doc = nlp(text)
sentiment = doc.sentiment
if sentiment > 0.5:
response = f'Positive sentiment detected. The following words contributed to the positive sentiment: {", ".join([token.text for token in doc if token.sentiment > 0])}'
elif sentiment < -0.5:
response = f'Negative sentiment detected. The following words contributed to the negative sentiment: {", ".join([token.text for token in doc if token.sentiment < 0])}'
response = 'Neutral sentiment detected.'
response = 'Error: Please provide a valid input'
return jsonify({'response': response})

With these improvements, our sentiment analysis chatbot will be even more helpful and informative to users, and can provide more detailed feedback to help them better understand their sentiment analysis results.

Here’s an example test case for the improved sentiment analysis chatbot code:

Input: "I had a great experience with your product. The customer service was also fantastic!"

Output: "Positive sentiment detected. The following words contributed to the positive sentiment: great, experience, customer, service, fantastic"

In this case, the sentiment analysis chatbot correctly identifies the message as having a positive sentiment and highlights the specific words that contributed to that sentiment.

Here’s another example:

Input: "I am extremely disappointed with your company. I have had nothing but problems with your product and your customer service is terrible."

Output: "Negative sentiment detected. The following words contributed to the negative sentiment: disappointed, problems, terrible"

In this case, the sentiment analysis chatbot correctly identifies the message as having a negative sentiment and highlights the specific words that contributed to that sentiment.

And one more example:

Input: "I am interested in learning more about your product. Can you provide me with more information?"

Output: "Neutral sentiment detected."

In this case, the sentiment analysis chatbot correctly identifies the message as having a neutral sentiment, since it doesn’t contain any strongly positive or negative language.


In this tutorial, we built a simple chatbot that performs sentiment analysis using the TextBlob library. While this chatbot is fairly basic, sentiment analysis can be a powerful tool for understanding the emotional tone of customer messages and responding appropriately. With further provided multiple improvement in development and training, this chatbot could be used in a real-world customer support setting to improve response times and customer satisfaction.



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